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A romance that will ghost away your stress AND the AmAzInG book deal I scored and how you can too

I've been thinking hard lately.  Like the kind of thinking hard where you are scrunching your eyebrows and don't even know it.  Nothing serious.  Sometimes it's just the mundane aspects of life that are on my mind.  Sometimes, it just takes a lot of energy to plan the day, get everyone what they need, squeak in a bit of physical activity, try to have a semi clean home, etc.  That's the kind of thinking that has worn on my lately.  Maybe it's more trying to cram too much into a day. Maybe it's cabin fever from the winter weather. I bet many of you can relate to this feeling. A bit of a brain break was in order and Ashley Poston certainly fulfilled with The Dead Romantics .  I'm a rom-com fan but never really thought of myself as a romance fan.  I always thought of romance novels as steamy, make me blush, kind of books.  The Dead Romantics  is totally a romance but not in that steamy sort of way - rather like a cozy hug at the perfect moment.  It&#

How to Walk Away

I stumbled upon this book by total accident.  I actually saw this book come up on a scroll of audiobooks when I had about 2 minutes to locate and download a book before heading out the door. So, I downloaded the first book I saw and started listening.  Halfway through the book, my audio "checkout" ended.  I wanted to find out what happened so badly that I bought the book.  It was so good!  Since reading this one by Katherine Center, I've also read Things You Save in a Fire and The Bright Side of Disaster, also great reads.

In How to Walk Away, Katherine tells the story of Margaret.  Margaret seems to have everything going for her - a great boyfriend, a job on the horizon, a supportive family.  Her boyfriend, Chip, is working to become a pilot.  As a surprise, Chip takes Margaret up in his "classroom" plane.  Chip actually proposes to Margaret in flight!  Things are going smoothly until Chip loses control and the plane crashes.  Chip walks away with a few scratches, however, Margaret is trapped in the plane, which then starts on fire.  Margaret's injuries are far more severe than she realizes. She is rescued by a female firefighter, who, interestingly enough, is the main character in Things You Save in a Fire.  Margaret and the scene of the rescue are actually referenced in Things You Save in a Fire. I loved how the characters crossed novels.  Margaret has a spinal cord injury and must relearn how to do everything - dressing, walking, using the bathroom. You name it, she has to learn it.

Margaret has the unfortunate luck to be assigned Ian as her physical therapist.  Ian is a buff Irish man, although quite lacking in social skills.  The plane crash is just the start of the story.   Reading about Margaret's journey through healing, both physically and emotionally, is gripping.  The love-hate relationship between Margaret and Ian makes you smile and want more.  Margaret's sister, Kit, who was estranged prior to the accident, makes her way into the story, and I found myself cheering on a reconnection between the two.  Did Kit and Margaret reconcile their differences? Did Margaret go on to marry Chip and get that amazing job?  I'm not going to be the one to spoil the book for you!

Center truly has a way of writing where I could clearly picture Margaret, Chip, Ian and Kit.  I'd love to compare my imagined pictures of them to what Center envisions. Margaret is so likeable.  I cannot even begin to imagine your whole life being turned upside down in an instant.  When skills you had previously taken for granted, or didn't even think twice about, now cause you to sweat from physical exertion, cry from exhaustion and scream from the despair you feel may be winning.  Watching Margaret find something that lights a fire for her and encourages her is heartwarming.   

Realizing that I haven't suffered the losses Margaret has, I still wonder about what motivates, encourages and pushes me?  It is love for my family, the excitement of learning something new or the drive to keep doing better?  What helps you during challenging times to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving, even when it feels like the universe is sending you 10 steps back?

Here's links where you can purchase Center's books on Amazon.


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