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A romance that will ghost away your stress AND the AmAzInG book deal I scored and how you can too

I've been thinking hard lately.  Like the kind of thinking hard where you are scrunching your eyebrows and don't even know it.  Nothing serious.  Sometimes it's just the mundane aspects of life that are on my mind.  Sometimes, it just takes a lot of energy to plan the day, get everyone what they need, squeak in a bit of physical activity, try to have a semi clean home, etc.  That's the kind of thinking that has worn on my lately.  Maybe it's more trying to cram too much into a day. Maybe it's cabin fever from the winter weather. I bet many of you can relate to this feeling. A bit of a brain break was in order and Ashley Poston certainly fulfilled with The Dead Romantics .  I'm a rom-com fan but never really thought of myself as a romance fan.  I always thought of romance novels as steamy, make me blush, kind of books.  The Dead Romantics  is totally a romance but not in that steamy sort of way - rather like a cozy hug at the ...

Celebrate self care month

September is self care month.  September is actually a time to recognize lots of things, including suicide prevention month, world alzheimer's month, ovarian cancer month, yoga month, and honey month.  There are so many more causes, all very important, and the list is too long to mention.  

But back to the idea of self care - I've listed a few of my favorite self care books below.  To me, reading is it's own form of self care regardless of the topic.  I don't read true self care books as frequently as fiction, but I enjoy them nonetheless.  I also like listening to the them as an audio book, giving me a little extra motivation for my day.  I've bought many of these for friends as gifts, or passed along my copy telling them how much I loved it.  I actually shared one book with someone that was full of highlighted lines marking the important stuff and little flags hanging out the side marking the really important stuff.  She may have had all sorts of questions running through her mind, but just smiled and took the book.

 So here's my "Top 10" of self care books and why I like them.  Please comment on your favorite self care books - I am always looking for suggestions!

Click on the link to purchase the book.  I am an Amazon affiliate and may earn a small amount from any purchase. 

  • The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst.  This books has helped me to recognize that saying no is okay, acceptable and sometimes needed.  It provides a framework for deciding if a commitment is worth a yes. 

  • Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst.  This was is great for those times we feel rejected or maybe that we just don't fit in.  I love the examples Terkeurst gives to reframe some of my negative thinking.
  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis.  This books is so motivational. Hollis breaks through all the lies we tell ourselves and how to overcome these lies.  I love her down-to-earth style.  
  • Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis.  She does it again - motivating me left and right. This one is more about owning your dreams, setting goals and accomplishing them.
  • Untamed by Glennon Doyle.  Find ways to break out of the stereotype we hold ourselves to as women.  Maybe we were meant to be something so much more but have been caged in by our own expectations and expectations of those around us. 
  • Do Your Om Thing by Harper Wave.  This one I selected both in recognition to self care month but also yoga month. This goes so far beyond yoga poses. It explains the history and how you can live a yoga life off the mat.  (In case you were wondering, this was my highlighted and flagged book 😏)
  • Love Does by Bob Goff.  This one shares about how you can live a life of love, be present in the moment and base your actions on love.
  • Everybody, Always by Bob Goff.  Find ways to live out the expectation of "love thy neighbor."  Everybody, always deserves and needs love. This one I have bought multiple copies of and given as gifts of encouragement to sweet friends. 
  • Igniting Greatness by Howard Glasser.  Learn about specific language and strategies you can use to reset yourself, set yourself up for success and how you can do this for others.  


  1. And then her dog ate it...and she felt really bad! Love the blog 💜

    1. And telling the friend made the friend smile and laugh ;)


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