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A romance that will ghost away your stress AND the AmAzInG book deal I scored and how you can too

I've been thinking hard lately.  Like the kind of thinking hard where you are scrunching your eyebrows and don't even know it.  Nothing serious.  Sometimes it's just the mundane aspects of life that are on my mind.  Sometimes, it just takes a lot of energy to plan the day, get everyone what they need, squeak in a bit of physical activity, try to have a semi clean home, etc.  That's the kind of thinking that has worn on my lately.  Maybe it's more trying to cram too much into a day. Maybe it's cabin fever from the winter weather. I bet many of you can relate to this feeling. A bit of a brain break was in order and Ashley Poston certainly fulfilled with The Dead Romantics .  I'm a rom-com fan but never really thought of myself as a romance fan.  I always thought of romance novels as steamy, make me blush, kind of books.  The Dead Romantics  is totally a romance but not in that steamy sort of way - rather like a cozy hug at the perfect moment.  It&#

When We Believed in Mermaids by Barbara O'Neal

I know I hinted something about seven husbands.  That's still coming but I'm only on husband 6.... so the suspense shall remain. I still wanted to review a book and When We Believed in Mermaids came to mind as a recent read.  I actually grabbed this photo from a text message I sent to someone recommending this book.  O'Neal tells the story of two sisters, Kit and Josie Bianci.  Josie dies in a horrific disaster but many years later, Kit is sure she sees Josie on a news clip and starts a search for her.  Sounds like a mystery, right?  It is a mystery but has a romance tale woven throughout the book, which I didn't expect.  The author paints a portrait of the troubled upbringing for the pair, how they struggled with negative experiences through their lives and how they found ways, both good and bad, to cope with the trauma of their pasts.  The story was beautifully written.  The details O'Neal uses are amazing, allowing me to picture so many of the scenes clearly in my mind,  right down to describing the treasures found in the home that is one of the main settings of the story.  I could imagine exploring this house and the history it holds.  I loved the theme that the Bianci girls can't sleep without the sound of the ocean.  There is something magical and grounding about water, isnt there?  It's inspiring how Kit came away from this search with so much more than she expected.  I think you will find that the pages turn pretty quickly in this book.  As I read this book, it gave me a sense of hope - for healing relationships, forgiveness, unexpected possibilities and pursuing where your heart leads you.   Now, back to finishing up my reading on husband 7...

Here's a link to purchase When we Believed in Mermaids from Amazon

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